Sustainability Management
GRI 3-2
The business environment surrounding businesses is changing dramatically on a global scale. Progress in international efforts to address social and environmental issues, increased geopolitical risks due to conflicts and tensions between nations, and a pandemic are having a significant impact on corporate activities and future plans.
The Kureha Group aims to enhance its corporate value over the medium to long term by contributing to the development of a sustainable society through the development of corporate activities based on our Corporate Philosophy, Basic Policy on Sustainability, and proprietary technologies.
Kureha Group Philosophical System
In the spirit of "if it doesn't exist, create it," each of us in the Kureha Group will continue to produce products and technologies that contribute to enriching people's lives and reducing environmental impact under our Corporate Philosophy (What we value) and Vision (What we aim for).

Kureha Group Basic Policy on Sustainability
Kureha Group Basic Policy on Sustainability
We will implement the Kureha Group Corporate Philosophy, create the future by producing unique and differentiated products and technologies, and promote continuous improvement of economic value and contribution to solving social issues.
Promotion of Sustainability Activities
GRI 2-12, GRI 2-13, GRI 2-14
To ensure the implementation of sustainability initiatives, the Kureha Group has established a governance structure centered on the Sustainability Committee and the Sustainability Coordination Committee, and has oversight by its Board of Directors.
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is responsible for making decisions on important sustainability matters for the Group. Based on the recommendations of the Sustainability Committee, it determines the Group’s material issues. The Board also receives and supervises reports at least once a year on activities related to material issues from the Sustainability Coordination Committee and the departments in charge.
Sustainability Committee
The Sustainability Committee principally meets twice a year as an advisory committee to the Board of Directors. The Committee monitors changes in the business environment surrounding the Group with regard to sustainability and makes recommendations to the Board of Directors about basic management policies and strategies related to sustainability, such as identifying material issues that require special focus for the Group's sustainable growth and enhancement of corporate value over the medium to long term. The Committee also monitors material issues through reports from the Sustainability Coordination Committee and other means.
The Sustainability Committee is chaired by the President and Representative Director and consists of all directors. Experts from outside Kureha are invited to participate in discussions as needed.
Sustainability Coordination Committee
The Sustainability Coordination Committee has been established to promote sustainability activities throughout the Group. The Sustainability Coordination Committee identifies risks and opportunities that affect the sustainability of the Group and society as "sustainability issues," and works together with stakeholders to minimize risks and maximize opportunities. The Committee formulates specific plans for resolving sustainability issues, including material issues, in collaboration with its six subcommittees (Responsible Care Subcommittee, Compliance Subcommittee, Information Security Subcommittee, Information Disclosure Subcommittee, Human Rights Subcommittee, and Risk Management Subcommittee) and the departments in charge of each issue, and manages the progress of these activities. These results are shared with the Sustainability Committee. The Committee also reports to the Board of Directors at least once a year on activities related to material issues.
The Sustainability Coordination Committee is chaired by the President & Chief Executive Officer (or an inside director or vice president appointed by the President & Chief Executive Officer), who appoints committee members from the divisions in charge of each sustainability issue and relevant departments.

Participation in Global Initiatives
Endorsement of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC)
GRI 2-28
In July 2023, Kureha Corporation signed the UNGC to further promote the Group's corporate philosophy.
The UNGC is a global initiative that encourages companies and organizations to act as good members of society and achieve sustainable growth by demonstrating responsible and creative leadership. The Company will contribute to the realization of a sustainable society by upholding and practicing the Ten Principles set forth in the UNGC, which are in the four areas of the protection of human rights, the elimination of unfair labor practices, environmental responsibility, and the prevention of corruption.

Endorsement of the TCFD Recommendations
Kureha Corporation expressed its support for the TCFD recommendations* on April 20, 2022. The Company discloses its climate change initiatives in line with the TCFD's recommendations.

Sustainability Sharing Meeting
In FY2023, we held a video meeting to share thoughts on sustainability. In this meeting, we shared information with employees that is important for promoting activities on sustainability, such as on the Kureha Group Code of Conduct, climate change, respect for human rights and responsible procurement.
- Sustainability
- Message from the President
- Kureha Group's Sustainability
Environmental Report
- Environmental Management
- Overview of Environmental Impact
- Climate Change (TCFD Recommendation-based Disclosure)
- Recycling of Resources, Proper Management and Disposal of Waste
- Management of Chemical Substances, Prevention of Air Pollution, Water Use and Prevention of Water Pollution
- Addressing Biodiversity
- Social Report
- Governance Report
- Contributing to the Solution of Environmental and Social Issues through Our Business
- GRI Standards Content Index/SASB Content Index
- ESG Data Collection
- Sustainability Report Archive
- External Recognition
- Sustainability Site Editing Policy and Contents of the Report