Contributing to the Solution of Environmental and Social Issues through Our Business

The Kureha Group is contributing to the solution of social issues such as carbon neutrality and contributing to the energy supply, contributing to the stable production and supply of food, contributing to vibrant lifestyles, and contributing to the development of the information society through our chemical-based products and services.

Carbon Neutrality and Contributing to the Energy Supply

"KF Polymer" Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF)

Contributing to the Reduction of CO2 Emissions with Lithium-ion Battery Binders


Social Background

As the movement toward a carbon-neutral and decarbonized society gains momentum, environmental regulations are being tightened in many countries.
The European Commission has set a goal that all new cars sold in the European Union (EU) after 2035 will, in principle, be zero CO2 emission vehicles, and the US has set a goal of electric cars accounting for at least one-third of new car sales by 2032. Also, China has announced that all new cars sold will be eco-friendly vehicles by 2035.
Against this backdrop, the global automobile sales market has been witnessing an active shift from gasoline- and diesel-fueled vehicles to electric vehicles (EVs) and other environmentally friendly vehicles.

Value Provided to Society

A key technology for promoting the shift to EVs is the on-board battery. Lithium-ion batteries are currently used in most electric vehicles due to their high energy density and low degradation from repeated charging and discharging. There is now a strong need to solve issues such as improving the reliability of lithium-ion batteries, increasing their capacity and output to extend driving range, high-speed recharging, reducing battery costs, and increasing recharging facilities. Our KF polymers satisfy various performance requirements of binders for lithium-ion batteries: showing high adhesion to active materials and current collectors, electrical stability over a wide potential range, and high lithium-ion permeability. For these reasons they are widely used in automotive lithium-ion batteries, which require long-term reliability.

Growth Strategy

As a pioneer in lithium-ion battery binders, we are actively developing binders for ternary cathode active materials and iron phosphate active materials (LFP). In addition, we are constructing a new factory under a plan to increase production capacity to meet the increasing demand for automotive lithium-ion batteries. At the same time, we are striving to reduce environmental impact and costs by improving production efficiency. Furthermore, in anticipation of the needs of the times, we will actively proceeding to be ready for the next generation of automotive batteries, such as all solid-state batteries.

Contributing to the Stable Production and Supply of Food

Agricultural Products

Contributing to Improved Crop Productivity with Agrochemicals


Social Background

According to the United Nations Population Fund's (UNFPA) State of World Population 2023, in November 2022, the world population surpassed 8 billion for the first time. That global population is expected to reach 9.7 billion by 2050, with the majority of that population growth occurring in developing countries (United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, World Urbanization Prospects 2019 Revision). As the demand for food expands with the growth of the world population, agrochemicals have played an important role as a production material for effective use of limited farmland and to support stable and sustainable increases in agricultural production.

Value Provided to Society

Kureha is committed to the research and development of agrochemicals that enhance agricultural productivity while protecting the environment, aiming for a symbiotic relationship between people who grow food, people who eat food, and ecosystems. Kureha's agricultural fungicides, which require only a small amount of chemicals to produce outstanding results and have a low environmental impact, are making a significant contribution to improving agricultural productivity around the world.
Metconazole is a fungicide that is highly effective against important diseases of wheat and corn. In 1994, after the registration of metconazole as a fungicide in France, the number of countries where it is registered has increased. It is now used in over 40 countries around the world, primarily in Europe, and North and South America, as a fungicide for wheat, corn, rape, and soy, etc.
Ipconazole is used to disinfect seeds prior to sowing. It is highly effective in controlling seed-borne and soil-borne diseases at low chemical doses. Since its launch in Japan in 1994, it has gained a large share of the paddy rice seed disinfectant market. Overseas, it is sold as a seed disinfectant for corn, wheat, soybean, and other crops primarily in North America, Latin America, and Asia.

Growth Strategy

As the demand for food grows in tandem with the increase in the world's population, the need for agricultural chemicals is increasing and is expected to continue to grow. Also, seed disinfection is attracting attention as a treatment method with less environmental impact, and is expected to grow in overseas markets.
In addition to existing agrochemicals, we will work to develop new products that contribute to sustainable agriculture and a stable supply of food, such as agrochemicals that are designed to have less impact on producers, consumers, and the environment.

Contributing to Vibrant Lifestyles

Household-use Products

Making Meals Delicious, and Housework Easier


Social Background

The shape of families around the world continues to change with the times. In Japan, the percentage of dual-earner households has been increasing year by year, and it is said that two-thirds of all households in Japan are now dual-earner households. In addition to the increase in the number of dual-earner households, the declining birthrate and aging population, as well as the shift to nuclear families, many people want to streamline their household chores and spend more quality time with their families, resulting in a variety of ways people deal with household chores. Also, as lifestyles change, families’ view of kitchens is also becoming more varied.

Value Provided to Society

For Kureha to contribute to creating vibrant lifestyles, supports its customers' household chores based on the concept of making life more enjoyable, convenient, and comfortable. Through products closely related to housework, such as the NEW Krewrap household plastic wrap and the Kichinto-San series of products that make the kitchen area fun and convenient, we increase the smiles on the faces of families by making meals more delicious and housework easier.

Growth Strategy

With changing lifestyles, the demand for household products for storage and cooking is expected to diversify and expand. We will strive to expand the market by proposing new lifestyles, placing importance on the voice of the customer, those who use our household products.

Contributing to the Development of the Information Society

3D Touch Panels

Widespread Use of 3D Touch Panels Will Make Our Lives More Convenient


Social Background

IoT stands for "Internet of Things." The IoT, which exchanges data in a variety of scenarios, is expected to be widely used in homes, offices, factories, and medical facilities. Development of electronic devices, sensors, networks, applications, etc. is proceeding to make the IoT a reality.

Value Provided to Society

Touch panels have become indispensable in our daily lives as an interface connecting people and electronic devices because they can be operated intuitively. Capacitive touch panels, which are currently the mainstream, detect position based on capacitance changes that occur between the finger and the touch panel, making it impossible to operate a wet touch panel or a touch panel when wearing gloves. We are collaborating with Cambridge Touch Technologies, a UK start-up company, to develop a 3D touch panel capable of load detection using PVDF piezo film. This new functionality of judging by load will enable touch panels to be used in a variety of applications and environments. By providing an interface that can be operated intuitively by more people, the IoT can be used by a variety of people in a variety of situations.

Growth Strategy

The 3D touch panel, a product developed by our company, is transparent, has excellent screen visibility, and can be laminated on top of LCD and OLED displays. It is also thin and flexible, and can be processed into curved surfaces and other shapes. We are currently developing PVDF piezoelectric film with transparent electrodes, for added value, and aim to establish mass production technology in FY2024. Development projects are underway in collaboration with several companies for various applications, such as wearable devices, smartphones, and notebook PCs.