Work-Life Balance
GRI 401-2
Kureha is planning and implementing various measures to allow our employees to work flexibly and productively, with a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment, at each stage of life and according to their individual lifestyles. We want to build a corporate culture that respects every employee and fosters their ambition and growth. Therefore, we have introduced a flextime system, telecommuting system, a per half-day or per hour annual paid leave system, and various systems to support child-rearing and care-giving so that each employee can work to their full potential while maintaining harmony between work and family life.
Overview of Main Systems

Target(s) and What We Have Done/Are Doing
KPI | Company/companies | FY2019 Result |
FY2020 Result |
FY2021 Result |
FY2022 Result |
FY2023 Result |
FY2025 Target |
Percentage of paid holidays taken | Kureha | 81.8 | 72.5 | 75.7 | 86.3 | 88.1 | Continue at 80% or more |
General Employer Action Plan based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children
Kureha has formulated the following action plan to improve work-life balance and promote the creation of a comfortable work environment.
Action plan period: April 1, 2024 - March 31, 2026 (2 years)
- Objective 1: Have at least 75% of male employees taking childcare-related leave/ temporary leave.
- Objective 2: Have executives takes at least 75% of the number of days of annual paid leave they are granted to.
Workstyle Reform
As part of our workstyle reform efforts, based on the concept of growth, vitality, and ambition, we are supporting the autonomous growth of each employee, making organizational goals more personalized to improve job satisfaction, and promoting physical fitness. We are also striving to increase the utilization of annual paid leave and reduce overtime for a more comfortable work environment. In addition, we have introduced various systems to bring about flexible and productive work styles that accommodate new lifestyles, such as the permanent introduction of a telecommuting system and shortening the core hours of the flextime system.
Childcare and Caregiving
Kureha is committed to creating an environment in which employees can work to their full potential, and has established systems that are accessible to both men and women according to their parental and nursing care needs, such as paid leave days for childcare, nursing, and caregiving, and shorter working hours. In addition, to deepen employees' understanding of these systems and promote their use, we have prepared a guidebook to explain work and family life balance support systems, which is posted on the intranet where employees can access it at any time.
Support for Balancing Work and Caregiving
Kureha has established a system that exceeds the caregiving requirements, including a nursing care leave period of (up to a total of two years and three times). Since fiscal 2018, Kureha has been conducting a seminar to support employees aged 40 and older who are balancing work and caregiving. This seminar aims to broaden employees' options as they face the challenge of adult nursing by providing them with preliminary knowledge. Care managers from outside Kureha give simple and accessible lectures and engage in dialogue with participants to deepen their understanding of adult nursing care.
- Sustainability
- Message from the President
- Kureha Group's Sustainability
Environmental Report
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